The Art Spotlight

 In today's Art Spotlight, we look at Art By Megan. Megan describes her art as such: 

"Reflections of light on water, shadows created by trees, and fallen leaves, as well as petals on contrasting surfaces inform my subject matter. I paint these fleeting moments, so they are noticed."

Her paintings remind me of the goddess Athena: the goddess of wisdom and art. They seem like two starkly different components but philosophers have long talked about the connection between the two. How you can tell a lot about the morals of a community by the type of art they consume.  

One looks like a collection of leaves of varying colors flowing in a twist of wind. They evoke happiness. Joy. A beauty that women have had to learn to see in the face of obstacles. A beauty men have had to learn to slow down and see. A baby's laugh. A beautiful sunset.

On the other end are her sea paintings which evoke something completive and wise. The deep blue reminds me of long deep talks about feelings I've only had to have with my female friends while in the meantime my


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