Artist Spotlight: Carol Simon and Stories of Gratitiude
“Stay Happy and Be Positive” that is the the mantra of Houston Artist Carol Simon. Though my exploration of women artists, I've encountered a wide variety of styles. From the sublime to the dark art that looks deliberately like roadkill. But all the art, it seems, presents its own message. If there is a message that Carol Simon that resonates with me it's gratitude. This is most perfectly embodied in her Gratitude Collection which I won't display here for copyright issues, but to describe the art, I would say it is a kaleidoscope of nebulae -- spurts of joy -- calling us to have gratitude in the simple joys of life.
Take me, for instance. Right now I am sitting in a bar, sipping wine, with access to the internet. Normally, I would just sit here and stare into the abyss. Maybe mourn the meaningless of life, but gratitude commands me to take advantage of it. There was a time when I had no laptop, no internet, no place to write. And I still wrote. But now, the paralyzing fear of all the choices in front of me often keeps me from writing at all.
This also helps me when working out. Because of circumstances that god threw into my lap, I have access to phenomenal Group Exercise Instructors who put their heart into every inch of their craft. Therefore, every shoulder press, every curtsey squat, needs to be done with perfect form and maximum effort. This, to me, is a thank you to my instructors and the world that gifted me the opportunity.
The cool thing about gratitude is that you can practice it anywhere. At home, abroad, possibly in a crack house but I can't say from experience. Gratitude, when done right, eases us into a state of joy so we can finally follow Carol Simon's mantra of "Stay Happy" and "Be Positive."
Assignment: Visit Carol Simon Studios, Write 20 things you're grateful for.
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