Layne Interiors & The Philosophy of Interior Design
The plan today was to workout, do a little writing, and pay the bills. But then I commit the cardinal sin of opening my eyes and see the vacant floor of my studio apartment. One folding table coupled with a WWE-style folding chair. Beyond that, I suppose the scattering of dirty socks on the floor could double as furniture. I feast my eyes on this mishmash of items and suddenly inspiration is drained from me. My mind goes into a fog and I go back to sleep.
Art is everywhere. It's not only the pretty little paintings hanging on the walls, but the arrangement of those paintings in relation to tables, throw pillows, and chairs. This underappreciated form of art I'm talking about is interior design. A whopping 79% of all interior designers are women. So, it's a profession teaming with womanhood and fitting fodder for University of She.
I'm in awe of women like Layne Torsch who are able to take disparate items and bring them together to create a space where, in her words, "everything has its place, where everyone has their most comfortable seat, and where no detail is missed."
"Home should be your sanctuary. Home should be a retreat. Home should be restorative."
Please browse Layne's portfolio for inspiration.
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