Elle's Magazine Minute: Gravitating to Rebellious Womanhood

Let me save you some time. The October Issue of Elle is like all ads. Like entirely. There are some concept pieces that try to trick us into believing they're ads, but we're not stupid. They're ads.

The only thing worth reading is the article about Bridgeton Alum actress Phoebe Dyvenor. A last name cloaked in allure and mystery -- mainly because none of us know how to pronounce it. Thanks, Letter Y, your Double Agentry was the worst grammatical decision in history.

But aside from her meteoric rise and her six month stint dating Pete Davidson (which apparently everyone has done nowadays. It's almost a requirement for getting your drivers license) the theme of her attraction to playing rebellious women. The book 45 Master Characters by Victoria Lynn Schmidt calls this character The Maiden or (the more villainous rendition) The Troubled Teen. 

So, right after we learn how to pronounce her name, lets unleash our inner Phoebe Dyvenor today. Rebel against something. Whatever nonsensical rule of polite society you have been dying break, you have my permission to give it the middle finger


However, if it's illegal, I disavow all knowledge of this meeting. 

💥Action: Donated 5$ to ActionAid (Four Star Charity
🏆Reward: Watch A Dyvenor movie/show


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